Our March Bestsellers

1.       Cold Mourning                                  Brenda Chapman             Mystery

2.       The Orenda                                        Joseph Boyden                 Fiction

3.       Alexander and the Terrible…      Judith Vorst/Ray Kruz         Kids

4.       Mama, Do You Love Me?              Josse/ Lavallee                  Kids

5.       Lost in the Woods                           Sams/Stuick                       Kids

6.       Voice of the Translator                  Nikita Kiriloff                      Biography           

7.       GRRROUCH! Pain is like..              Cathryn Morean               Health

8.       Citizens of London                           Lynne Olson                       History

9.       Affable Scavengers                         Rick Houle                           Mystery

10.   The Little Old Lady who…             C. Ingleman-Sundberg         Fiction

11.   Monkey Puzzle Tree                        Sonia Tilson                        Fiction

12.   Stellaluna                                            Janell Cannon                    Fiction

13.   The Inconvenient Indian                  Thomas King                      History

14.   Tuesday                                               Wiesner/Briley                  Kids       

15.   In Winter’s Grip                                 Brenda Chapman             Mystery

16.   Life after Life                                     Kate Atkinson                    Fiction

17.   Dead in their Vaulted Arches        Alan Bradley                       Mystery

18.   The Golden Egg                                 Donna Leon                        Mystery

19.   The Massey Murder                       Charlotte Gray                  History